Thursday, June 26, 2014

drumming (guest blogger alert!)

(By B)
Of all instruments R loves - guitar, bass, double bass, violin, mandolin, mouth organ, didgeridoo are ones he often mentions - drum and cymbals seem to be the favourite.  At an awesome playground last weekend he spent 90% of the time hitting the play-drums with the largest sticks he could find.

Out of the Box festival at the QPAC this year featured Japanese Drumming as one of the free workshops, so R and me went down early to ensure we nabbed a spot.  After the bollywood dancing we were in prime position and managed to get one of the last of the 150 plastic buckets not commandeered by school groups.  The spare drum happened to be right in the middle of the crowd, and parents had to stay at the edge.  He's a bit of a scaredy cat so I wasn't sure how he would go so far away from me and surrounded by people slightly bigger than him (not to mention lots of noise) but I needn't have worried.  He LOVED it. He didn't exactly listen to the commands, but he followed along with the other kids (or did his own thing as he saw fit). At the end, everyone got up and left and 149 drums sat empty while 1 drum continued to be utilised by one cute little 2.5 year old who was intent on staying for the next session.

Where's Wally:

I crashed my plane.