Saturday, October 12, 2013

public holiday fun!

 Auntie took him to Underwater World again. Gotta love an auntie with a season pass! It is such a perfect place for him. His favourite stories from this visit were the otters who yawned, the big and little rays, and of course the lady helping him touch the starfish.

On our way to Underwater World, we passed THIS place! BEST OP SHOP EVER! So, after we dropped off the lilttle guy and his Auntie, I got dropped off here spent an hour pottering around, uncovering treasures, then walked  (with arms full of treasures) to the end of the street to find B reading by the beach.

The Velo Project in Mooloolaba was enthusiastically recommended by a highly trusted and discerningly tasteful friend. So, since we were in the area, we couldn't resist heading there with Auntie K for breakfast. Little guy played and munched, we ate and sipped and flipped through some of the books from the shelf. Delicious and delightful!