Sunday, September 29, 2013

fro-yo versus icecream


 He helped Auntie fill up the soft-serve frozen yoghurt. And then helped eat it, of course.

My sis kept spotting 'Ben & Jerry's' icecream advertised around here, which she can't get in Radelaide but which she has fond memories of during USA travels. So on our last day together, we succumbed. I won't tell you how much we ate.


Everyone falls victim to great marketing, sometimes! Walking from the car park to the grocery, we each noticed a new little fro-yo store. It was very pretty and enticing and we unanimously decided to stop there on the way out. You get to choose flavours and fill your own cup - who could resist? Our discussion centered around whether frozen yoghurt is actually any better for us than icecream. It looks so light, tastes so fresh and sounds nutritious...