Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kata Tjuta (the Olgas)

He spent some time with his Dad, playing in the sand (the whole area is one giant sandpit - he was never bored!), while I did a short walk to the Karu lookout via many, many wildflowers. He had a habit of gracefully combining his digging in the red dirt with swatting at the pesky flies, and the result was some incredible face-painting designs. 

This photo was taken on my family's big road trip, in the mid-1980s. That's our big Kingswood station wagon.
Big rocks don't change as quickly as we (and our cars) do. It was still as stunning and mysterious last week as it was in this photo and in my memory. Although, in some ways, the rocks did seem to transform rapidly, minute-by-minute, as the light and sky changed throughout the day.

The Walpa (windy) Gorge walk is gorgeous, full of life.