Saturday, March 28, 2015

show & tell


He was rostered on for his first 'Show & Tell' at kindy yesterday. During the previous weeks, his classmates have shared about gardening, pets, ballet lessons, fishing, travel. Our little guy shared about 'Gobbledy Goo'! It's one of his favourite 'experiments' from his science book, and he and his Daddy made some the previous morning (first photo). I wondered whether he would be too shy when the time came, especially as he only just met the new teacher that morning. He was really happy with how it went, and the teacher's summary agrees (middle photo). He proudly showed me a the big 'Gobbledy Goo' photo/info display on the window (third photo) when I arrived in the afternoon (and then we spent 45 minutes playing with toys and books there before I could convince him to come home - he'd had a good day)!

She would like to show everyone how she can sit up without (immediately) falling over! But she would like to tell everyone that she still prefers standing and bouncing and that, if anyone has their hands free at any time, she would be happy to hold them and stand and bounce for as long as you are willing!

For my Show & Tell, I've chosen my new haircut. This is the first time I've paid for a haircut, from a proper hairdresser, in 15 years, and only the 3rd time in my life. It wasn't too scary, Tom, the hairdresser lives directly across the road from us, the salon is under his house and he has a sweet dog called Moet who hangs out in the salon.