
We woke him at 6.30 am, hours earlier than we usually would, the morning of my birthday. This was RISKY but, thankfully, fine. Phew. We hurried around the corner to meet our neighbourhood friends (Gabba Hill Community Garden group) to plant flowers. He insisted on filling his own watering can from our tank and taking it along pre-filled. Not a drop was allowed to spill. He dug holes, planted and watered diligently and it was gorgeous to watch. He stopped to ponder his work and said - to no one in particular, possibly just to the new flowers - "We're planting a whole world of trees".
Earlier in the week, pre-birthday, he made me giggle:
He: Mummy, you don't know where we hid your birthday present.
Me: You're right, I don't. I wonder where it is.
He: It's under that green pillow.
She and her spade made an appearance at the gardening event, before she and I ducked into a friend's place, which just happened to be adjacent to the area we were planting in, so that she could have some milk and I could have a perfectly delicious (that is, incredibly - bordering on ridiculously - frothy, just how I like it) coffee. She also wore her first ever party hat at a friend's 2nd birthday party the day before. BUT her biggest news is that she pushed out her first TWO teeth on my birthday - she was getting uncharacteristically cranky during the afternoon/evening, and I found the sharp little pegs the next morning.
A busy and thoroughly lovely birthday! Walnut & banana birthday cake for post-gardening morning tea, thanks to a neighbour friend. Then off to the markets. Home to open presents with my keen little helper. A lovely lazy lunch out the back with visitors. Curry for dinner with other pals followed by tasty fructose-free birthday cake and sparklers. Skype chats over the weekend. Delightful.