Saturday, November 30, 2013


 Yes. This little boy does love things with wheels. He's working on the specific names for trucks and tractors, like excavator, cement mixer, bull dozer (though he insists it's 'dazer' not 'dozer'), cherry picker, tip truck... 


A drive in the country is not complete without stopping to buy local produce. Keeping an eye out for road-side stalls is definitely part of the fun. The recent drive down the mountain offered us avocados and horse poo! The avocado stall was easy to spot, this poo sign was slightly less visible! 

Friday, November 29, 2013


He was lucky to have a weekday visit from his adorable cousin! What a treat! They managed to have a good play time before nap time. AND we'll be seeing him again this weekend. Yay!

I've been thinking of two of my cousins a great deal, as their Dad passed away last week. I feel so far away at these times. Their Mum died just last year. It's been pretty sad. They might just have been the coolest people I've ever met. Visiting them was like being in one of those gorgeous, honest, quaint, quirky, quality Aussie movies. I didn't see them often, but I miss them. This is my peace lily which has 3 perfect flowers this week.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

my market stall

He scored pretty well out of the market, particularly as it was quiet enough for me to poke around at all the 2nd-hand stalls. On my "I'm-allowed-to-buy-this-if-I-see-it-second-hand-no-matter-what" list was "Mr/Mrs Potato Head", as he has been LOVING the (one-armed) Mr that I bought at the suitcase rummage a few weeks ago. Well... I came home with SIX mini potato heads, which have been a total hit with him and his sister-friends who were staying with us. It's the sort of toy that we grown-ups (just quietly) quite enjoy, too! I also bought some gorgeous wooden blocks, etc, to add to our stash (which now looks a lot prettier). And, what household is complete without Twister in the games cupboard?!


I registered a table at the Rosalie Bubs & Kids Market, to sell my upcycled goodies. I was a bit nervous, but I put on a bright green spotty dress and colourful jewellery and embraced the role. I really enjoyed it. I had a number of friends drop by for a chat, and my beautiful pal (pictured) and her tiny baby kept me company for a big chunk of the afternoon. AND they bought me a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing! It turned out to be an incredibly quiet event (probably due to weird, stormy weather and another BIG crafty market happening nearby on the same day). Regardless, I made a bit of pocket money, spent a bit of pocket money, got some lovely feedback and had wonderful chats with other stall holders. One is starting a French Rhyme Time next year, which we'll check out, another offered me a swap (a print of her art for my guitar picks - I think I got the better end of the deal!), and another offered to get me wholesale prices for sewing gear. I call that a success!

Thursday, November 21, 2013



He stayed home with a beautiful friend of ours, and was excited when we came home with crowns for everyone. Each day since, he's asked for his crown, calls himself a king, and requests that we sing, "Lavendar Blue... Lavendar Green... When I am King... You shall be queen." He's worn it at meal times, play times, bath times. I like it best when he puts it on upside down, over his ears, and leaves it like that.

B and I are lucky to have a kind friend who works at the Queensland Museum, and she sent us free tickets to an "After Dark" event as part of the Afghanistan's Treasures event. I was so impressed with the evening! They created an incredible atmosphere, with traditional food, wine, Afghan music, traditional tea and sugared almonds (ate too many), cooking demonstrations... Oh, and the exhibition itself was also incredible. Imagine uncovering treasures that everyone believed had been destroyed during the war. Imagine being the brave souls who hid it all, knowing they would probably never see it again, but passionately understanding how important it is to the preservation of their country's history and culture.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

climate rally

 Sunday was the National Day of Climate Action. We rode into town and based ourselves at the BZE stand (where B was being useful). He enjoyed the colours (most people wore 'hot' red/orange/yellow colours) and the energy, and wandered off for frequent quick adventures: to meet puppies, to get close to the stage, to find friends, to catch bubbles, to dance, to watch big kids playing, to steal biscuits from the First Aid tent...

It was such a positive, energetic event. I love how strangers come together when something really (REALLY) matters. My selfish highlight, however, was seeing John Butler and Mama Kin perform! And when the crowd joined in on their continued refrain, "From little things, big things grow." (If you ask my little guy about John Butler, on stage, playing music, he'll say, "Big things" because this was his highlight, too.)


We really hope that he grows up caring about the world. We want to continue to expose him to opportunities which empower him to affect change. We want him to be informed and compassionate and bold. We want him to keep his eyes and ears open.
Simply the fact that he exists has inspired us, more than ever, to take action when it comes to the world's future (that is, his future).

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

like old times

His sister-friends met him just a few hours after he was born, and were incredibly loving and inclusive when he was a teeny bub. They currently live far away, but when we're all back together for a visit, the girls practically drown him in affection and attention and he adores them. I know he'll be asking for them for many days (weeks...) after they're gone.

It has been such a lovely treat to have our very dear friends staying this weekend. After dinner at the Clarence Sunday night, after all of the kids went to bed, we four grown-ups sat on our couch, drinking wine and eating chocolate. It really felt just like old times. I don't have a photo of this, so I'm using a silly one that is truly of 'old times', maybe 10 years ago on a road trip south. Long before any 'he' or 'shes'.

Monday, November 18, 2013

taking a walk


This is a picture of me not having to push the pram when we were out walking with friends this morning. 
I was only slightly nervous.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

eat street markets


The new Friday/Saturday night markets at Hamilton "Eat Street" opened on the weekend. We went to opening night. The stalls are all made from shipping containers, which is fun. He had fun! As usual, he was more interested in watching the other kids dancing, than actually getting up for a boogie himself, but that's still fun for him. There were also giant games to play (i.e. sabotage for the other kids who were actually playing). 

I really liked it! They did a good job. A really friendly vibe. And, although it felt busy and bustling, I still didn't have to wait for long at the food stalls. We had quesadillas, honey puffs and a haloumi platter. Mmmm...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

musical decisions

He's an indecisive, yet passionate, musician. He moves between his piano (and rapping into its microphone), the drums (and other percussion), the "tikar and you-ca-wayway-wee" (guitar and ukulele - somewhat interchangeable terms). He sometimes wanders into the other room and strums on the electric bass or double bass, and likes what he hears. However he's forgotten how to play the harmonica, it just won't make a sound anymore. That's something he'll need to work on (partly because it requires the same skill as blowing out candles and blowing bubbles, and these are very important).

I got my early Christmas present. I'm completely in love with her. We chose the tenor. I haven't named her yet (but I obviously will).

We spent some time on Saturday at Audrey's Music Shop - a very cute music shop that has a bag of music toys for little (and big) people to make some noise with while shopping. Actually, he and B went there twice! Once, while I went to St Veronica's op shop, and then when they picked me up we decided to head back to Audreys to make a uke decision together.

Monday, November 11, 2013

self control

It may be that he just wasn't hungry (doubtful), or that he knew he was being watched (doesn't usually bother him), or that he doesn't really know what cake is (probably), or maybe it just looked a bit scary (likely), or it may have been out of respect for the birthday girl (hmmm), but I like to think it was his prodigious self control. At his special friend's 2nd birthday party, he kept his hands (and mouth) away from this beautiful birthday cake, which was resting enticingly at toddler-height, while he stood close to inspect it for quite an extended staring-session.

EVERYTHING at the Saint Veronica's Thrift Shop is $2 (and under) this week, as they are trying to clear the store to close for renovations. I demonstrated incredible self control and only bought 10 things. And none were for me...

Friday, November 8, 2013

harvesting veggies

He likes to select his own fresh fruit and veg these days. Apples are a given, oranges, bananas and strawberries sometimes get a look-in. Other than that, it's unpredictable.

Early each morning, I have a quiet potter around the garden, to say good morning, pull a few weeds and pick any tomatoes that have started to change colour. This is 2 days' worth! Our tomatoes have been growing themselves quite adeptly this season. We didn't plant any, but (thanks to amazing compost) they have popped up ALL over, and even though I gave away LOTS of seedlings, we've still ended up with a bountiful crop. It also helped when a friend showed me which bits to pull off, to encourage more flowers/fruit to grow.

Monday, November 4, 2013

tunnel fun

A friend loaned this to him, after he gleefully crawled through the tunnel and the doorways for AGES at her house. He was pretty thrilled that it ended up at our place for a while.

I made my own version, out of recycled/upcycled bits and pieces. I think it's gorgeous, but he doesn't like it nearly as much as the other one!
(The chickens like them both equally.)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

simple sewing projects

Halloween! A year ago, we discovered the joy of halloween. Now, for us, it's not about horrible, tacky, scary things, but instead is an excuse to spend an evening with neighbourhood families who we never have other opportunities to meet! Last year, we thought the crowd was big... This year, I think there were about 60 kids, plus parents. HUGE! This noisy, costumed, sugar-loaded tidal wave of colour met at 5.30 pm and spent an hour wandering the neighbouring streets, knocking on the doors of families involved. I didn't have a costume for him, so during his nap that afternoon, I sewed felt 'bones' to his t-shirt and trackies. He completed the outfit beautifully by requesting his monster hat. His pals came for a play here before we all set off for the festivities. We managed to last until the last house before he realised there were tasty treats involved (he was just enjoying watching the big kids), when he was offered his first proper lolly. He gobbled it up, but, thankfully, didn't ask for 'more'. He was more excited by the glow stick, which we let him keep holding as he was going to sleep afterwards.

My other latest sewing project involves no cloth at all - I'm sewing gift bags out of old, torn art books, calendars, atlases, music books, and story books that I've collected over the years. They are simple, each one is unique and they turn out quite pretty. And I get to put them in Reverse Emporium's Christmas exhibition!

Friday, November 1, 2013

dust piles

He is drawing such beautiful circles lately! "Waaawnd and waaawnd and waaawnd." He doesn't need his crayons, he'll find a 'canvas' anywhere!

I walked past our old place yesterday. When we first moved in, it was a strip of houses full of funny, kind, creative people that we knew. Gibbon Street was such fun! Then, most of the houses were knocked down to make way for this noisy, dusty, ugly neighbour. They ended up building a wall between us and the construction site, which helped (mostly aesthetically, but it also helped a little bit with the dust and a teeny little bit with the noise.). I noticed yesterday that the wall is gone, and there's nothing but a bit of wire in between our old place and the site, and I felt SUCH HUGE RELIEF that we weren't there anymore.