He stayed home with a beautiful friend of ours, and was excited when we came home with crowns for everyone. Each day since, he's asked for his crown, calls himself a king, and requests that we sing, "Lavendar Blue... Lavendar Green... When I am King... You shall be queen." He's worn it at meal times, play times, bath times. I like it best when he puts it on upside down, over his ears, and leaves it like that.
B and I are lucky to have a kind friend who works at the Queensland Museum, and she sent us free tickets to an "After Dark" event as part of the Afghanistan's Treasures event. I was so impressed with the evening! They created an incredible atmosphere, with traditional food, wine, Afghan music, traditional tea and sugared almonds (ate too many), cooking demonstrations... Oh, and the exhibition itself was also incredible. Imagine uncovering treasures that everyone believed had been destroyed during the war. Imagine being the brave souls who hid it all, knowing they would probably never see it again, but passionately understanding how important it is to the preservation of their country's history and culture.