Tuesday, November 12, 2013

musical decisions

He's an indecisive, yet passionate, musician. He moves between his piano (and rapping into its microphone), the drums (and other percussion), the "tikar and you-ca-wayway-wee" (guitar and ukulele - somewhat interchangeable terms). He sometimes wanders into the other room and strums on the electric bass or double bass, and likes what he hears. However he's forgotten how to play the harmonica, it just won't make a sound anymore. That's something he'll need to work on (partly because it requires the same skill as blowing out candles and blowing bubbles, and these are very important).

I got my early Christmas present. I'm completely in love with her. We chose the tenor. I haven't named her yet (but I obviously will).

We spent some time on Saturday at Audrey's Music Shop - a very cute music shop that has a bag of music toys for little (and big) people to make some noise with while shopping. Actually, he and B went there twice! Once, while I went to St Veronica's op shop, and then when they picked me up we decided to head back to Audreys to make a uke decision together.