Saturday, October 8, 2016

what can you spot in the bush?

 On the drive, he spotted lots of cows, horses, sheep, tractors, farms, windmills, mountains, creeks, a horse statue, a clock statue and a man statue. While there, he spotted animal tracks (cow, calf, kangaroo, wild dog, human) and different animal poos. With all the talk about animal poo it became apparent that our friends didn't know about the little mole book ("The Story of the Little Mole who knew it was None of His Business") - luckily we had our little book (we have a couple of copies - the sound edition is hilarious) in the car. We even had our stuffed toy Little Mole along for the trip. 
He also spotted our friends' drawing table as soon as we arrived and settled in for much of the day.


 She saw horses wearing blankets, funny mountains, lots of cows on hills and is also sure she spotted a giraffe statue in Boonah. She spotted the little paddle pool as soon as we arrived. She spotted flowers and cow poo on our bush stroll and wanted to know the name of each animal that had made footprints. Actual given name, not just animal type. She managed a total of 3 hours in the car without nappies or crankiness. And she let me convince her to adapt her initial outfit of choice for our day in the bush. 

Our good friend invited us out for a day trip to their bush 'shed' about half an hour past Boonah. It was the most delightful day! We met other friends in Boonah at the Story Tree Cafe (spent an hour or so playing there - such a lovely place to stop) then drove in convoy out to the shed. Lots of dirt roads to make the corollacoaster feel tough, lots of shade, serenity, cups of tea and views to make me feel like I had a good getaway, and lots of fun for kiddies.