House-Sitting (for a month) means...
...playing with someone else's toys...
...exploring someone else's yard...
...sleeping in someone else's cot..:
...messing up someone else's table...
...feeling comfortable doing our normal activities in someone else's space...
...frequent visits to the op shop around the corner (here they are modeling their beads - the day's purchase)...
...using some someone else's space for my projects...
Share-housing (for a couple of weeks) means...
...having a big brother and sister and lots of shared meals (this was a 'chip-nic' in the park)...
...dress-ups and trampolines and performances...
...after-school pick-ups...
...having live-in babysitters - so we could head to our place, once the kids were in bed, and get a couple of hours' painting done each night...