He shared a room with one of his very best pals, stayed up late and slept in late, played and played and played, was more interested in the signs/maps at the lookouts than the views, decorated and devoured a gingerbread train with his friends, fed native birds on the verandah.
8 adults and 7 kidlets (my two were the tallest and shortest of the younger generation) stayed together at a rainforesty house at Springbrook for the long weekend, and it worked surprisingly well, especially when considering the torrential rain and consequent increased indoor time! A cafe, very cute shop and an expansive lookout were a short walk from the house - so freeing to be on foot for some of our excursions. Our family ended up (i.e. she woke up and needed milk and cuddles) lunching at another cafe - fresh, homemade pizza - on the way home on Monday: Puddleducks, where every table was on its own little island, surrounded by rainforest and accessed by winding boardwalks. Nice.
B did some rainforest/waterfall walks, taking some spectacular photos (and managing to avoid leeches).