Saturday, December 20, 2014

end of school year


At his last swimming lesson before the holidays he was given a chocolate santa AND an icecream cone! So lovely. So lucky! He's been receiving some Christmas cards (with chocolates, gingerbread men, etc) from daycare friends, and went to the daycare Santa party with his Daddy. We also hosted a Christmas play/party with our regular Tuesday playgroup this week, and our new sprinkler snake had its debut.

She has now officially attended a start-of-school-holidays-breakfast-on-a-weekday which is a quarterly event that I share with my teacher friend (and now, her pup, too). I guess she has kind of tagged along before!


 With a bit of help from him, I've been making christmas cookies/chocolates, writing cards, etc, for his various teachers and daycare classmates (and for our neighbours).