Wednesday, December 17, 2014


 He is really starting to play WITH his friends so had the most wonderful time at the picnic and back at his pal's place. This involved a variety of forms of play, including traditional playground see-sawing and other playgrounding, opportunistic rolling and hiding in unmowed grass en route to the house, the quiet co-playing that happens when a train set is unveiled, the silliness which is unavoidable at a kids' table while the adults at their table switch their attention slightly to their own food and company, the cheeky splashing in a communal bath and the very noisy shriek-laughing in each other's faces as the night gets later. 

Also, he has identified himself (and me, and anyone else around) as either 'Santa', 'Small Reindeer' (sometimes called a moose), 'Christmas fairy' (sometimes called an angel, but usually a fairy) or 'Christmas tree' most days lately.


She played with her friends, too.


An email from a friend began, "It's come to my attention we don't have anything cheese-centric planned for Christmas - ERROR!" We corrected this error with an afternoon picnic at the park which successfully reached an elegant balance of celebrating cheese and celebrating Christmas. I put together our (aweseome) outfits in the 4 minutes before we left the house, thanks to the costumes that came free with registration for the Santa Fun Run a couple of years ago. And thanks to one of B's work shirts being the perfect colours!