Just metres from home, the first garage sale for the day had A TODDLER-SIZED DRUM KIT! Obviously, we took it home. And a Judy Blume book. And a copy of Storm Boy.
She really just sleeps. Even when her brother is trying out his new drums a metre away from her. Impressive! She did wake briefly for a feed when were were right by our friend's place, so we popped in to make use of their comfy couch, change table and toys.
Oh how I love this annual event! Last year's suitcase rummage was wonderfully fruitful. This year we stayed local. I mapped out an easy route, incorporating 6 of the garage sales that were listed in our neighbourhood. Yes, on an index card. Yes, there was probably some clever technological way to do it. Index cards work fine. And oh yes it was wonderful. One family were even selling ice-cold homemade lemonade. Mmmmm...