We found out that he was one of the winners in B's work's environmental photography competition - which was open to children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews of Honeywell employees. (An unnamed insider tells me that all entrants were winners - each receiving Australian Geographic gift cards - Yippee!) The kids were asked to photograph something in the environment that they consider 'worth saving'. His photograph (above) shows the olive groves at Boonah - I'm pleased that he thinks olives are important enough to save! He also had to answer a couple of questions:
Why is it important to look after the environment?
- The silly flowers. I like eating tomatoes from the garden. I like trees in the forrest.
What can I do to help the environment?
- We put some water on the garden so it stays happy. We live on Planet Earth. I saw Planet Earth in a book.
Due to my ties with the unnamed insider, I'm going to be compiling a 2015 calendar with all of the photo entries. I wonder if they'll give me an Australian Geographic voucher, too?
B was interviewed for a Melbourne community radio program recently, following his heavy involvement with the Brisbane launch of BZE's (Beyond Zero Emissions) High Speed Rail plan. You can stream the radio interview here. Our coming-soon baby has been generously involved in all of this, too - selflessly offering her own bedroom to store towers of boxes full of BZE gear since the launch.