Monday, August 18, 2014


At the Sunday markets morning was an EWB (Engineers Without Borders) stall, with "Free Science" for kids, and we couldn't resist! He and his dad spent quite a while putting together a little boat using straws, cups, tape and balloons, and floated it in a wading pool. I'm sure he'll expect this stall to be there every week now!

A few lovely friends joined me on Saturday morning at a big annual event (organised by Zonta) where hundreds of volunteers gather to assemble birthing kits for women/babies in third world countries. There were 12 000 kits assembled on the day, and will make a huge difference to the infant and maternal mortality rate for those who receive them (these will mainly go to PNG Western Provinces, I think). Seeing these tiny, hand-sized kits was such a blatant reminder of how well placed we are for birthing our own babies, with incredible medical (and other) resources readily accessible. AND it was a great way to hang and chat with pals.