Tuesday, December 3, 2013

scholastic book sale

He kept himself amused for quite a while! A warehouse book sale is just about the ideal place for the two of us to shop together... It's just books, books, books, no fancy flooring or shelves or displays or anything he could damage. And our taste in books is usually similar. Also, almost everyone else there at the time (just after 9am on a school day) looked a lot like us (mum and toddler/baby).

The Scholastic warehouse has these sales once in a while, right near the school I work at. When I was teaching, I went a few times with my teacher pal and I got a bit hooked. She still lets me know when they are happening and this time I couldn't resist (partly because we met for breakfast beforehand). A lot of them are for him, but some of them are for my kiddies in Nepal. I'll send off a big parcel soon!