He visits the museum almost every week. He is really starting to know his way around, and uses words to tell me what he's looking at, or what he's heading for. I love the commentary! He's getting so good at walking backwards as he drags open the drawer displays, that I suspect that it's the forwards/backwards which is the fun bit now, and not seeing what's inside. When we arrived at "Playasaurus Place" (to play with the dinosaurs), he told the lady working there, "Day-daaw", and she grinned and said he was the littlest person she's ever heard say, "Dinosaur". She has clearly been trained in the art of interpreting little-person-prehistoric-talk.
It is decidedly impossible for any adult to enter Playasaurus Place and leave without having "Danger, Danger, Velociraptor" playing in their head. For DAYS! It's so powerful that I know at least one friend who will, just from reading this blog post, be suffering such a fate for the foreseeable future.