Saturday, February 2, 2013


He's really enjoying playgrounds! He crawls, climbs, conducts safety inspections, eats bark chips, gnaws on metal posts, and is ecstatic when he gets to watch and interact with the 'big' kids. This is at a gorgeously colourful park in Paddington, which provided respite along the steep, steamy walk to our friends' place yesterday afternoon. This morning we found another awesome and interesting park at Tennyson, the cleverly chosen location for his buddy's birthday party. I envisage many play dates here...

My high school mate and I made ukelele our new years' resolution. Today was our big debut: A 1.5 hour beginners' workshop where 60 strangers of all ages played and sang and smiled and chuckled for an hour and a half (i.e. it was exactly my ideal Saturday morning!). Plus I bought red furry heart-shaped uke picks.