Had a great time staying at Nanma and Pa's place over the weekend. He said 'ta' to Nanma when she handed him something and encouraged him to say it! He's also been saying 'star' when B reads his shapes book to him. His 'ta' and 'star' sound the same, but he really seems to be saying them!
At the rellie Christmas celebration today, I spent ages with cousins and aunties, looking through Nana's old photos. There are tins, boxes and bags full. Each tell a real story. It was so special and such a highlight of my weekend. One auntie shared a memory: Nana never had these photos in albums, just in a suitcase. If the kids were sick, stuck inside on the couch or in bed, they would beg to be allowed to look through the photo suitcase. Nana would get it for them and they'd spend hours, days, looking through them as we were today. She remembers spending her chickenpox days like this!