Saturday, October 17, 2015


He insisted on riding his bike and towing his trike - which was, in turn, towing the wagon. Despite all those extra wheels on the footpath, it was a s...l...o...w trip to the markets.


This may come as a shock, but I'm not really into cars. I like to walk and I definitely prefer public transport to driving. I couldn't tell you anything about a friend's car except for its colour and I only remember the kind of car I drive because it's fun to say 'Corollacoaster'. This week I achieved an impressive trifecta of fails at an important aspect of proper grown-up driving: Underground Car Parks. Little She woke just in time to jump in the car and meet our friends at the Barracks - no time for train or walking. It is so rare that I park in an underground car park that I couldn't tell you the last time I did. Or if I ever have, actually.  We got there fine, turned into the underground parking, pulled up at the boom gate WAY too far from the ticket machine so climbed out of the car to hike over and fetch it. FAIL ONE!

Parked, gathered my stuff (bag, phone, parking ticket and my baby), headed up to meet our friends. A couple of hours later, getting ready to head back to the car park, I couldn't find the ticket. Anywhere. Searched again. Again. Went back to the car and searched in there. No luck. Locked the car and saw it balancing on the roof, by her door. FAIL TWO!

Back upstairs to have it validated by the cinema people. Back downstairs to pay for parking, take my change, then head to the car. Baby in, driving towards the exit. Realised I didn't have my ticket anymore and wouldn't get out the boom gates. Parked in a different space, got Baby out again, walked back to the ticket machines, found my ticket (thankfully) still sticking out, waiting for me. FAIL THREE!

Impressive, I know! Do I get a prize?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


His Daddy pulled him out of bed the other night to watch the Bee Man split our native bee hive. It was fascinating!

Her face says it all...

It was one of those awkward conversations (everyone has them, right?), where I'm a few steps behind but am pretending I'm not... It was night time, I had just emerged from saying 'good night' to the little people. I thought I heard someone call 'Hello?' so looked out the front. There was no one at the door but there was a car parked in front of our house, with its passenger door open and a lady was crouching down, photographing our mosaic/herb garden, no one was in the driver's seat. I heard the 'Hello' again, louder, and realised it was coming from the back door. I hurried that way and assumed it was a friend - because, who else would be at our back door at night? However I found a stranger, an older man with a well-worn sun hat and a farm-ish shirt. 

And a friendly grin: "Hi, I'm Don!" 

He said it as if I was expecting him, so I played along, furiously sifting through my memory for a clue while returning his smile and answering, "Hi Don, how are you doing?" 

"Good, thanks. Nice to meet you. Is he ready?" 

"Nice to meet you too. Ummm... he's just finishing a bed time story... I can... ummm... let him know you're here...?" 

"Yeah, thanks. I'll get ready then. Can you just show me where it is?" Ahhhhh! Where WHAT is?

"Umm..." I thought I was found out, but, just in the nick of time, I recalled a conversation from a few nights earlier. "...Yes, Don-the-Bee-Man, I CAN show you. Because I absolutely DO know who you are and why you are standing here at my back door in the dark. You'll find the native bee hive just over there, under the tree, and you can definitely start preparing to split it, as previously arranged." Phew. That was a close one.

Monday, October 12, 2015


He helped make her birthday cakes. He decided on merry-go-round cakes, with animals, sticks and a roof. He found the bits and we assembled them together! We shared one cake with our playgroup friends on Wednesday afternoon and one with family friends on her birthday evening.


She woke uncharacteristically early, ready to party! She and I then spent a couple of hours roaming the neighbourhood, soaking up the gorgeous dawn, pressing pedestrian crossing buttons for as long as she wanted (an excellent time-passer), finding edible plants and herbs in neighbour's gardens to taste, touching trees and fences, waving at early birds hurrying off to work, having a coffee at the Little Prince and picking up some groceries at the fruit shop, before heading home to see if the day had started for the rest of the family (it hadn't). She checked out the new playground at South Bank with her Daddy and then met me at book club where she continued to be spoiled by the sweetest of friends. The big birthday culminated in a curry dinner with old pals. Happy Birthday, Little She!

I can't take credit for the very witty title today - it was written in a birthday card that she received. It was a long day, but a good one! She's such great company. During our early morning adventures I had a little break at the Little Prince when she took Chris, the barista, for a walk while I sat at the back of the cafe and sipped my coffee.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

her village


On the morning of his little sister's Welcome to the Village/Baptism celebration, I was explaining what to expect. When he heard that people were going to be reading poems/prayers for her, he decided that he would also like to do this. He composed the above, and read it confidently in front of the crowd of 80 guests! Then ran back to the picnic blanket to keep playing duplo with his friends.


We are just so pleased to have her in our little village. She's pretty pleased with herself, too.

The celebration was such a great reminder, for me, of the exceptional village - family, friends and neighbours - that we've found ourselves a part of.